Gift Ideas: Toys for Young Kids
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I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for Christmas! I love Halloween, but as soon as it’s over, I start getting into the Christmas spirit. Are you team let’s celebrate Christmas now or team wait until after Thanksgiving!

Well, either way, once November hits, Christmas will be here before you know it. So this is the perfect time to start planning and creating your gift list.
If you have a baby or toddler you’re shopping for, I have the perfect gift for you.
Lovevery has the perfect age specific, educational, and fun toys for young children.
Their play kits are our favorite. We’ve been receiving them since Aurora was 2, and they’re always a hit. She can play with them for 1-2 hours at a time.

The research that goes into the age-based play kits is really impressive. Every kit is so age appropriate and seems to really hone in on what kids are really interested in at certain milestones.

In one kit, my daughter received a puzzle and in another kit my daughter received a swifter like mop kit. She was obsessed! She mopped our whole floor and it actually looked great!
I also love the books that come with the kits. Aurora always brings the books to me during our reading time because she really enjoys them.
Aurora also loves to build things. So she has really enjoyed play kits that included blocks to build with. One play kit included a whole fort building kit. Check the photo above to see how it turned out. Aurora used it for her puppet shows!
For younger children, toys that encourage creativity and open play are encouraged and Lovevery is such an expert at putting these type of experiences together in their play kits.
If you have a child age 4 or under that you’re shopping for, check out Lovevery products. The toys are sustainable and great quality. Our favorite kit so far has been the Storyteller Kit.
Check out Lovevery Toys. These are perfect for your own children or to give as a gift.
My kids get so many gifts for Christmas, and honestly, by the next holiday the toys are broken or my kids are no longer interested in them.
Lovevery toys are so different. They really engage children, help with developmentally milestones, and really last so they’re easy to pass on to another child.
If you have any questions, please ask them below.
Also, I would love to know. Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?